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Character introduction

Characters are your individual avatars that go into battle for you. Currently, players can make up to 5 characters for their Telegram account. When players first sign up for EthXY, they will be asked to create their first character.

Name selection

The first step to create a character is picking a name. Character names are unique in EthXY. Once a name has been selected, it's not possible to change it so please choose carefully! Names must follow the following guidelines:

  • Alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9), case-insensitive

  • Limited to 16 characters

  • Nothing vulgar or containing profanity

Names are priced starting from 0.01 ETH. Names are priced with the following general guidelines:

  • 4+ character names are priced at 0.01 ETH.

  • 3 character names like "Abc" or"Xyz" are priced at 0.1 ETH.

  • Common names like "John" or "Dan" are priced at 0.5 ETH.

  • 2 character names like "Xy" or "Ab" are priced at 1 ETH.

  • 1 character names like "A" or "0" are priced at 10 ETH.

As characters will be tradable in the future, keep in mind the name may play a factor in determining the value of your character.

Character creation

After picking a name, players will be asked to customize their character. There are five elements that can be customized:

  1. Hair type (Long or short)

  2. Hair color - Pick from available colors or choose your own hex color!

  3. Eye color - Pick from available colors or choose your own hex color!

  4. Skin color - Pick from available colors or choose your own hex color!

  5. Character class (Farmer, Priest, Adventurer, Trader, Noble)

Players able to create truly one-of-a-kind unique characters that are differentiated from others.

Character classes

At the moment, the different character classes only provide cosmetic differences in starting apparel. This is subject to change in the future with expanded gameplay.

🙏 Priest
🪙 Trader
🧑‍🌾 Farmer
👑 Noble
⛰️ Adventurer

👑 Noble class

The Noble character class is reserved for prior participants of the EthXY plots game. The requirements are:

  1. Be a current Mainnet plot owner or

  2. Be a Base plot owner prior to November 1st, 2023.

If you qualify with one of these two criteria, you can verify your wallet using After verifying with your Telegram username, you'll be able to make a Noble character.


After completing customizing the looks of your character, you'll be asked to provide a tagline for the character to say before battle.

You have the option to either use the "Randomize" feature for AI to come up with a tagline or you can write your own tagline.

Guidelines for taglines:

  • Due to rendering limitations, taglines can only take alphanumeric (a-z0-9) characters and punctuation.

  • Taglines can fit a maximum of three lines or around 16 words.

  • Please do not use any profanity or vulgarities.

Last updated